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Н.Н. Николаева


Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2017

ориентированным кейсом:

Case study “The international training pro-




The background. Mike Jones is head of learning and development for

a global finance company in the UK. He has been working in an interna-

tional virtual team led by Carole Baker in the US to develop a leadership

training program, which is to be rolled out across the organization before

the end of the year. Mike’s focus has been on developing a coaching mod-

el; the rest of the team has worked on training materials. The team started

the project in March but has met only once. It is now July and the pro-

gram concept and training materials have still not been finalized and

agreed on. Mike is under a lot of pressure from projects in his own office,

and also has to complete a book on international leadership training over

the coming weekend. He has received support from the company for this

private writing project.

The email. Mike receives the following email from Carole on Friday


Hey Mike,

Hope you are well.

I am sending you a text draft and video for the leadership training

program and materials for a set of three workshops on virtual leadership,

which we have just finalized in my part of the project.

I know this is not your focus in the project, but could you give me

some feedback on what we have produced? There’s quite a bit of video,

but I think you will like it.

I would be very grateful if you could supply feedback no later than


Thanks in advance for your support and expertise!


Mike’s first thoughts on reading the email. “This is crazy. You can’t

work like this in a virtual team — dumping such a task on me on Friday

afternoon when I have so many other things to do. It’s unfair and not my

role to do her part of the project. But I guess I will have to do it, although

it means that I am going to have to delay my book project, which will cre-

ate some real problems. I need to discuss this in the next team meeting, as

it goes against our virtual team guidelines that we agreed on only last


What to think about. Think about your answers to these questions: (1)

What do you think of Mike’s reaction when he thinks, “You can’t work like

this in a virtual team”? (2) What do you think of Mike’s other reactions?

(3) What advice would you give Mike on dealing with such situations in


Как правило, кейс прочитывают три раза. Первый раз — быстро,

с целью ознакомления с общим содержанием текста и первичного вы-

явления проблемы, постановки проблемных вопросов; второй раз —