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Реализация концепции проблемного обучения на занятиях по английскому языку…

Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2017 11

2. Are highly virtual teams less effective? According to one study,

«there is no conclusive research evidence that virtuality in and of itself

consistently leads to less productive teamwork … the quality of task-

related processes appears to be a significant factor in deciding whether

dispersion becomes a liability or an opportunity»

[20, с. 15]


3. What are the advantages of highly virtual teams? There are many

advantages of working in highly virtual teams. Such teams can: 1) connect

the best talents from different locations, creating «super teams» from

around the world; 2) enable organizations to offer round-the-clock service

to customers; 3) maximize team members’ working time by avoiding

wasteful travel; 4) communicate at any time and in a highly focused way

with a variety of communication tools, making communication efficient;

and 5) help organizations to reduce the cost of office space if team mem-

bers work from home — at least part of the time.

Strategies for success in highly virtual teams. The following points are

based on the model described by Jeremy Comfort and Peter Franklin in

their book «The Mindful International Manager»


. (1) Build the right

team: choose the right team members and create a sense of «we».

(2) Have a very clearly defined vision and purpose. (3) Organize tasks and

plan deadlines in an effective, efficient and realistic way. (4) Define roles

and responsibilities. (5) Give support to team members who need it.

(6) Have effective performance management processes.

The following virtual risks can be the following

[21, с. 35]

. (1) Con-

flicts of priority. People in international teams normally have to combine

their international team duties with responsibilities in their local office.

Local tasks are often given priority, which can lead to less effective work

in the virtual team. (2) Strategic disconnect. Virtual team members need to

engage with these international strategies, for example, the introduction of

a centralized IT system, even if such solutions do not offer obvious benefits

to the local team. (3) Leadership without authority. This requires the abil-

ity to build relationships and to persuade people through logical argu-

ments and, sometimes, through the use of coercion to overcome resistance.

(4) Deal effectively with strangers. Highly virtual teams often have few

opportunities to meet face-to-face. This means that team members are, in

effect, working with «strangers». Effective virtual team members deal with

the «stranger» problem by following three main micro-strategies: accel-

erating mutual understanding; showing care; adopt an effective virtual

communication style, so called «smart virtual style».

Студенты знакомятся со всем собранным материалом, анализи-

руют и интерпретируют его, выдвигают гипотезы и записывают свои

мысли, идеи, выводы с последующим их обсуждением в группе.

Важно, чтобы данная самостоятельная работа проходила на англий-

ском языке. После окончания работы над проблемной ситуацией

преподаватель знакомит студентов с конкретным профессионально