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Вызов Аполлона и образовательный потенциал общества

Гуманитарный вестник

# 4·2016 17

Apollo’s call and educational capacity of society

© N.N. Gubanov


, N.I. Gubanov



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Tyumen State Medical University

, Tyumen, 625023, Russia

The analysis of the historical development of educational sphere revealed one of the main

growth drivers in this field. To study and characterize it, we introduce a new socio-

philosophical concept - Apollo’s call. The article defines the totality of social conditions

that determine the shape of existence and dynamics of knowledge as "social knowledge

ensuring". We reveal the structure of social knowledge ensuring and describe the deter-

mination forms of knowledge development process. Moreover, we show that when society

socially ensures new rational knowledge, adequate to the needs of this knowledge devel-

opment, the latter can be progressively developed further. The conclusion is that Apollo’s

call is one of the main determinants of socio-cultural dynamics.


Apollo's call, educational capacity of society, social ensuring of knowledge,

educational innovations, university tradition, mentality of educational, administrative




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Gubanov N.N.

, Dr. Sci. (P


, Assoc. Professor, Department of Philosophy, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Gubanov N.I.,

Dr. Sci. (P


, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History,

Tyumen State Medical University.
