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Г.И. Ловецкий


Гуманитарный вестник

# 2


Virtue and Prosperity:

Hercules problem and the modern youthy

© G.I. Lovetskiy

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga branch, Kaluga, 248000, Russia

The article considers the problem of moral action and moral choice. The conclusion is

that moral action is the result of the microshift in interaction of the inward man forces

(mind , will and faith) when thinking and decision making in favor of one or another sys-

tem of symbolic representation of reality, where the forces of good and evil confront each

other. The ethics of responsibility signifies a stage of state active participation in the

prosperity and peaceful coexistence of people and nations. Thereby the problem of moral

responsibility of the person is not eliminated of people and nations. And the problem of

moral responsibility of the person is thereby solved.


welfare, justice, practical benefits, ethics of responsibility, the vital choice of

young people, moral acti







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