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Г.Ф. Захарова


[10] Yeliseeva V.V.

Leksikologiya angliyskogo yazyka

[Lexicology of the English

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[Noun determinants. “English:

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[13] Reformatskiy A.A.

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[Introduction into linguistics].

Moscow, Aspekt Press Publ., 1996, pp. 61– 62.

[14] Galperin I.R.

Ocherki po stilistike angliyskogo yazyka

[Essays on stylistics of

the English language]. Moscow, Literatura na inostrannykh yazykakh Publ.,

1958, pp. 58– 61.

[15] Berezhanskaya I.Yu.

Konsubstantsional’niye terminy v lingvisticheskoy termi-

nologii angliyskogo i russkogo yazykov (sravnitelniy analiz).

Kand. Diss.

[Consubstantional terms in linguistic terminology of the English and Russian

languages (comparative analysis). Ph.D. Diss.]. Moscow, MGOU Publ.,

ILiMK, 2005, pp. 1–10.

Zakharova G.F.

, assoc. professor at the English Language Department for mechanical

engineering specialties in Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research inter-

ests: lexicology and stylistics of English technical prose; the English language teaching

strategies for special purposes. e-mail: