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Лексико-стилистические особенности учебных текстов для обучения чтению


How to teach reading scientific

and engineering texts in English:

specific requirements for style and vocabulary

© G.F. Zakharova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The author outlines specific properties of scientific discourse exploring technical texts

particularly designed for a given speciality. The author emphasizes that development of

reading skills is crucial for engineering students as it is an essential element in teaching

other language skills and abilities. The article provides comparative analysis of vocabu-

lary of the texts. The author offers some techniques for developing fluent reading skills

and supporting comprehension, taking into account terminology and polysemic peculiari-

ties of scientific and engineering vocabulary.


scientific style, reading, speech activity, vocabulary, engineering terminology,

training technical text, structural words, homonymy, polysemy.


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