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Реализация концепции проблемного обучения на занятиях по английскому языку…

Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2017 19

Implementation of problem-based learning methodology

at ESP lessons at technical universities

© N.N. Nikolaeva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The paper discusses problem-based learning as one of the up-to-date and effective meth-

odological and pedagogical approaches to both ESP teaching and profes-sional compe-

tence development in compliance with the new generation state standards in tertiary edu-

cation. Learning strategies of the problem-based learning are described using our own

experience in organizing the problem-solving activities in professional educational envi-

ronment as well as analyzing the tried and tested problem situations, tasks, and ques-

tions. Their ad-vantages and drawbacks are revealed. We pay special attention to the

case study method: lesson organization is described stage-by-stage; examples and rec-

ommendations are given; general case analysis outline is introduced; appropriate Eng-

lish set phrases, problem-solving samples, linguistic and empirical data are offered; stu-

dents’ activities are evaluated; teacher’s role is thought through. In conclusion, practical

applicability of the case study method at ESP lessons is validated.


problem-based learning, English for Specific Purposes, second language

teaching methods in academic institutions, problem situation, problem tasks, case study

method, learner’s creativity



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