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И.И. Комиссаров


Гуманитарный вестник

# 4·2016

H. Spencer and F. Engels: Two models of the origin

and essence of state structure

© I.I. Komissarov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch, Kaluga, 248000, Russia

The article discusses the comparative analysis of the two models of the origin and essence of a

state – organicistic one of Herbert Spencer and the materialist one of Fredrik Engels. Two

versions of the formation of society with the state structure are consistently presented. It is

shown that the models are fundamentally different in the structure, the correlation of views of

the people and the state, as well as in the importance of the state in social life. Spencer clearly

positively assesses the activities of the state, while Engels’s assessment is unambiguously



Engels, materialist model, Spence, organicistic model, the origin of the

state, social evolution, division of labor.



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