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Об эффективных средствах познавательной активности студентов…


On the effective means of students’ cognitive activity

in the Russian language training course


E.A. Yakovleva, N.A. Ionova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The research explored the problems of students’ cognitive activity and its activation in

the Russian language training course and culture of speech. We focus on the use of peda-

gogical dialogue and the modeling for creating problem situations. We illustrate the re-

search with examples of studying the most sophisticated topics in the course of the Rus-

sian language. The article is of great help to university lecturers and can be used to im-

prove the training efficiency in the course “The Russian language and culture of



activation, cognitive activity, pedagogical dialogue, reproductive and produc-

tive matters, visual aids, modeling.



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