К вопросу о прагматике перевода
Tyulenev S.
Perevod kak instrument stilisticheskogo analiza khudozhestvennogo
proizvedeniya (pragmastilisticheskiy aspekt)
Translation as a tool of stylistic
fiction analysis (pragmastilistic aspect)
Moscow, Gotika Publ., 2000, 78 p.
Komissarov V.N. Obshchaya teoriya perevoda [The general theory of translation].
Classes.ru .Available
http://www.classes.ru/grammar/113.komissarov_obshaya_teoriya_perevoda/html/1_10.html (accessed October 21, 2014).
Gurina E.P.,
Senior Lecturer of the Department “Linguistics for Instrument Building
Specialties” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Primary scientific interests
are in pragmatics, pragmatic stylistics, pragmatic linguistics, literary criticism in transla-
tion and interpretation as well as the second language acquisition and foreign language
pedagogy, methodology. e-mail: