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С.А. Лебедев


Гуманитарный вестник

# 11·2017

Methodological analysis of the “probability” category

© S.A. Lebedev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The purpose of the research was to carry out the methodological analysis of the “proba-

bility” category which is widely used in science, philosophy and practical activity. The

article describes basic interpretations of this category and evaluates their potentials in

terms of their methodological justification and field of application. Findings of the re-

search show that none of the existing interpretations of probability is universal concern-

ing the application, and at the same time each of them corresponds to the axiomatic defi-

nition of probability.


probability, interpretation of probability, axiomatic definition of probability,

methodology of science



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