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Дискуссионные вопросы в истории Смуты начала XVII в.

Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2016 17


Pavlov A.P.

Gosudarev dvor i politicheskaya borba pri Borise Godunove

(1584–1605 gg.) [Monarchic court and the political struggle at the time of Boris

Godunov (1584–1605)]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 1992, 280 p.


Tumentsev I.O.

Smutnoe vremya v Rossii nachala XVII stoletiya: dvizhenie

Lzhedmitriya II

[The Time of Troubles in Russia of the XVII century beginning:

the movement of False Dmitry II]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2008, 584 p.


Boyarskiy spisok 1611 goda [The list of boyars of 1611] In:


Arkheologicheskogo instituta

[Collected works of the Archaeological Institute].

St. Petersburg, Likhachev N.P. Publ., 1895, 24 p.


Pavlov A.P. ed.

Pravyashchaya elita Russkogo gosudarstva IX — nachala XVIII v.:

Ocherki istorii

[The ruling elite of the Russian state in IX — beginning of the XVIII

century: Essays on the history]. St. Petersburg, Beresta Publ., 2006, 548 p.


Poe M.T.

Russian elite in the seventeenth century. Vol. 1.

Vammala, 2004, 470 p.


Popov N.A., ed.

Akty Moskovskogo gosudarstva. T. I. Razryadnyy prikaz.

Moskovskiy stol.


[The acts of the Muscovy. Vol. I. Order-in-charge

Prikaz. Moscow Department. 1571–1634]. St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of

Sciences Publ., 1890, 802 p.


Cherepnin L.V.

Zemskie sobory Russkogo gosudarstva v XVI–XVII vv.


sobors of

Russian state in the XVI–XVII centuries]. Moscow, Nauka Publ.,

1978, 418 р.


Dvortsovye razryady. T. I.



[Palace ranks. Vol. I. 1612–1628]. St.

Petersburg, II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery Publ., 1850,

656 p.


Posolskaya kniga po svyazyam Rossii s Angliey 1614–1617

[Embassy book on

relations between Russia and England



Moscow, Institute of

Russian History RAS, 2006, 396 p.


Florya B.N.

Polsko-litovskaya interventsiya v Rossii i russkoe obshchestvo

[Polish-Lithuanian intervention in Russia and Russian society]. Moscow, Indrik

Publ., 2005, 416 p.


Skazaniya sovremennikov o Dmitrii Samozbantse. T. I

[Contemporaries’ tales

about Dmitry the Pretender. Vol. 1]. St. Petersburg, 1859, 464 p.


Pavlov-Silvanskiy N.P.

Gosudarevy sluzhilye ludi

[Sovereign service people].

Moscow, Kraft+ Publ., 2000, 288 p.

Liseytsev D.V.,

Dr. Sci. (History), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Russian His-

tory RAS, research interests:

history of Russia of XVI–XVII centuries, Time of Troubles,

the history of the Russian state system and the state budget of the XVII century. e-mail: