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Д.В. Лисейцев


Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2016


[Essays on the History of the Troubles in the Muscovite state of XVI–

XVII centuries (The experience of studying the social structure and class

relations in the Time of Troubles)]. Moscow, 1937, 500 p.


Antonov D.I.

Smuta v culture srednevekovoy Rusi. Evolutsiya drevnerusskikh

mifologem v knizhnosti nachala XVII veka

[Troubles in the culture of medieval Rus


The evolution of ancient mythologemes in the booklore of the early XVII century].

Москва, Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., 2009, 432 p.


Skazanie Avraamiya Palitsyna

[Abraham Palitsyn’s

legend]. Moscow,

Leningrad, 1955, 347 p.


Liseytsev D.V.

Rossiyskaya istoriya — Russian history

, 2012, no. 5, pp. 43–54.


Platonov S.F.

Moskva i Zapad v XVI–XVII vekakh. Boris Godunov

[Moscow and

the West in the XVI–XVII centuries. Boris Godunov]. Moscow, Agraf publ.,

1999, 286 p.


Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisey. Tom 14

[Complete Collection of Russian

Chronicles. Vol. 14]. St. Petersburg, 1910, 155 p.


Krammi R. “Konstitutsionnaya reforma” v Smutnoe vremya ["Constitutional

reform" in the Time of Troubles]. In:

Amerikanskaya rusistika: vekhi

istoriografii poslednikh let

[American russistics: milestones in the

historiography of recent years]. Samara, Samara University Publ., 2001,

pp. 240–258.


Kobrin V.B. Smutnoe vremya — utrachennye vozmozhnosti [Time of Troubles –

lost opportunities] In:

Istoriya Otechestva: ludi, idei, resheniya. Ocherki istorii

Rossii IX — nachala XX veka

[History of Russia: people, ideas, solutions.

Essays on the history of Russia in the IX-the beginning of XX century].

Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo politicheskoy literatury Publ., 1991,

pp. 163–185.


Eroshkin N.P.

Istoriya gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdeniy dorevolutsionnoy Rossii

[The history of public institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia]. Moscow,

Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1997, 358 p.


Pavlov A.P. Prikazy i prikaznaya burokratiya (1584–1605 gg.) [Prikazes and

Prikaz bureaucracy (1584–1605)]. In:

Istoricheskie zapiski. T. 116.


Records. Vol. 116]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988, pp. 187–227.


“The Lawes of Russia Written”: An English Manuscript on Muscovy at the End

of the Sixteenth Century.

Oxford Slavonic Papers. New Series

. Vol. 23. 1990.

pp. 13–26

[In Russ.: “Pisanye zakiny Rossii”. Angliyskoe opisanie

Moskovskogo gosudarstva kontsa XVI veka.

Istoricheskiy arkhiv — Historical


, 1995, no. 3, pp. 191–201].


Liseytsev D.V.

Prikaznaya sistema Moskovskogo gosudarstva v epokhu Smuty

[Prikaz system in Muscovy in the era of the Troubles]. Moscow, Tula, Grif i K

Publ., 2009, 792 p.


Lavrentyev A.V.

Tsarevich-tsar-tsesar. Lzhedmitriy I, ego gosudarstvennye

pechati, nagradnye znaki i medali 1604–1606 gg.

[Tsarevich-Tsar-Cesar. False

Dmitry I and his state seals, badges and medals 1604–1606]. St. Petersburg,

Dmitriy Bulanin Publ., 2001, 235 p.


Ulyanovskiy V.I.

Rossiya v nachale Smuty: ocherki sotsialno-politicheskoy

istorii i istochnikovedeniya. Ch. 1

[Russia at the beginning of the Troubles:

Essays on the socio-political history and source study. Part I]. Kiev, 1993, 368 p.


Liseytsev D.V. Diplomaticheskaya terminologiya v Moskovskom gosudarstve

nachala XVII stoletiya [Diplomatic terminology in Muscovy of the early XVII

century]. In:

Moskoviya: Spetsifika razvitiya

[Muscovy: development specifics].

Budapest, 2003, pp. 104–115.