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Дискуссионные вопросы в истории Смуты начала XVII в.

Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2016 15

Controversial issues in the history of Troubles

in the beginning of the XVII century

© D.V. Liseytsev

Institute of the Russian History RAS, Moscow, 117036, Russia

The article considers controversial issues in the Time of Troubles history. It presents the

analysis of the relevance of using the terms “peasant war”, "intervention," “civil war”

for describing the events of Russian history, of the XVII century beginning. According to

the author, events of the Time of Troubles have failed to substantially change the nature

of the Russian state system. The policy of strengthening the absolutist tendencies re-

mained to be the main vector of its evolution.


time of Troubles, the history of Russia of the XVII century, absolutism





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