Л.А. Иванова
The formation of individual targets and process
of their implementation in teaching English
аt non-linguistic universities as one of the major factors
of motivation
© L.A. Ivanova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article covers problems associated with the increase of English language teaching
effectiveness at non-linguistic universities. The paper focuses on the development of stu-
dents’ individual abilities and the importance of their use in teaching. The article also
contains examples of individual student planning under the guidance of a teacher to fa-
cilitate more effective language training.
goal-setting, individual targets, self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-
development, self-management, self-correction, individual planning.
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Ivanova L.A.,
assoc. professor of the English Language for the Instrument-Making Spe-
cialties Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Sphere of scientific
interests: methods of teaching business English. e-mail: