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В.К. Самохвалова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 6·2017

On certain axiological accents

of the European epistemological tradition

in modern philosophy

© V.K. Samokhvalova

Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Moscow, 119285, Russia

We analyse the influence that the dominant axiological motivation of individualism had

on the formation of epistemological concepts in modern philosophy. We show how specif-

ic content of epistemological structures in the philosophy of F. Bacon, R. Descartes and

G.W. Leibniz depends on how strongly they express individualistic tendencies. The study

asserts the importance of axiological background in the modern concept of scientific

knowledge, which postulates that the subject should not be eliminated from the process of

acquiring knowledge and its results.


axiology, epistemology, knowledge, immanence, individualism, object, sub-

ject, transcendence, philosophy, ethics



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