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Н.Н. Губанов, Н.И. Губанов, Е.С. Шорикова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 4·2017

Laws of criminal behaviour triple determination

© N.N. Gubanov , N.I. Gubanov, E.S. Shorikova





Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen, 625023, Russia

The article reveals the


of explaining the criminal behavior by only biologi-

cal and (or) social factors. This explanation represents a person as a passive result of

genotype or social conditions and relieves the person from responsibility for his or her

behavior. The article outlines the contour of criminal behavior triple determination con-

cept: heredity, social environment and personal principle - the person free will, his or her

reason and self-determination, which can dominate heredity and unfavorable social con-



inclinations, abilities, criminal abilities, biosocial selection, aggressiveness,

free will



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