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Джихад меча: традиционные и экстремистские интерпретации…

Гуманитарный вестник

# 2·2017 11


Sukiyaynen L.R.

Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki — Law. Journal of

the Higher School of Economics,

2016, no. 3, pp. 185–205.

DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2016.3.185.205


Ot “Kavkazskogo Imarata” — i dalshe...

[From the “Caucasus Emirate” — and

further ...]. Available at: http: /



October 8, 2016).


Radikalizatsiya islama v Krymu

[Radicalization of Islam in Crimea]. Available


(accessed October 08, 2016).


Putin V.V. Rossiya naydet terroristov v luboy tochke planety i pokaraet


will find terrorists anywhere in the world and punish them]. Available at:

(accessed September 12, 2016).


“Davayte otvetim terroristam”. Angela Merkel o tragedii v Parizhe

[“Let's an-

swer the terrorists”. Angela Merkel about the tragedy in Paris]. Available at:

v_parizhe-398222/ (accessed December 03, 2016).


Olland: terakt v Bagdade stal delom ruk prestupnikov, kotorym net poshchady

[Hollande: a terrorist attack in Baghdad is criminals' doing for whom there is

no mercy]. Available at:

(accessed December 3, 2016).

Kuzmenko N.S.

, graduate student, Department of Philosophy, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean

Federal University (Taurida Academy). е-mail: