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Н.С. Кузьменко


Гуманитарный вестник

# 2·2017

Jihad of the sword: Traditional

and extremist interpretations in contemporary society

© N.S. Kuzmenko

V.I. Vernadskiy Crimean Federal University (Taurida Academy),

Simferopol, 295007, Russia

The article compares interpretation of the “jihad

of the sword” concept by theorists of

middle-of-the-road version of Islam and ideologists of extremist organizations. A revised

definition of the “jihad of the sword” is introduced on the basis of generalization of ma-

terials on the subject. The wrongfulness of conducting jihad of the sword by terrorist

groups is substantiated. It is alleged that the term jihad must be used with reference to its

particular type in order to separate armed confrontation from peaceful manifestations of

the phenomenon.


jihad of the sword, traditional Islam, jihad, terrorist ideology



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