Церковь и государство в правление Павла I
Church and state in the reign of Paul I
© I.L. Abramova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article analyzes the legislation of the government of Paul I to the Church and clergy.
The novelty of the research is to attempt assessment of the place and role of this Board in
the history of the Russian Empire in XVIII–XIX centuries on the basis of official acts of
absolutism, to trace the continuity in the various confessions of Catherine II, Paul I,
Alexander I, the correlation of socio-economic environment with government laws.
Church, state, the clergy, the priests, secularization, bureaucracy, Synod,
Consistory, the chief priest, Seminary, Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits.
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Abramova I.L.
, Cand. Sci. (History), associate professor of the Department of History
at the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Bauman Moscow State Technical
University. Scientific interests cover history of Russia of the XVIII century, the history
of Russian culture, personal history. Author of more than 20 researches. e-mail: