Эволюция и экология мироздания: постановка проблемы, методология исследования - page 14

Г.И. Ловецкий, Н.А. Гаврикова
Evolution and ecology of the Universe:
problem statement, methodological research
© G.I. Lovetskiy, N.A. Gavrikova
Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
The Earth became the cradle of humanity by virtue of the evolution of the Universe and
its objects – the Galaxy and Solar system. The existent environmental well-being, howev-
er, can be destroyed. To a large extent conservation of live will depend on engineering
solutions of a completely new level. Knowing the laws of developing the technical systems
and synthesis of sciences suggests philosophical and methodological research. The au-
thors consider it as an important theoretical and practical problem.
evolution of the Universe, environmental conditions, forming the objects, an-
imate and inanimate matter.
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Lovetskiy G. I.,
Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Head of the Philosophy and Polit-
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ty. Academic interests include social philosophy, philosophy of science and technology.
Gavrikova N.A.
, a postgraduate of Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University, a specialist of the closed corporation “Kaluga Regional Environmental
Research and Production Center Region — Centre-Ecology”. Academic interests include
information and environmental safety, industrial ecology. e-mail:
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