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Становление первого социалистического государства: теория и реальность

Гуманитарный вестник

# 12·2017 11


Stalin I.V.


[Works]. Vol. 11. Moscow, Association of State

Publishing Houses, State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1949,

pp. 168–171.


Kak lomali NEP. Obedinennyy plenum TsK i TsKK VKP(b) 16–23 aprelya 1929 g.

[How the New Economic Policy was crushed. Joint plenum of the Central

Committee and the Central Control Commission of the Russian Communist

Party (Bolsheviks)]. Vol. 4. Moscow, 2000, 768 p.


Vyshinskiy A.Ya. Osnovnye zadachi nauki sovetskogo sotsialisticheskogo prava

[Primary goals of the science of the Soviet Socialist law].

Voprosy teorii

gosudarstva i prava

[Issues of the theory of state and law]. Moscow, State

Publishing House of Legal Literature, 1949, с. 65.


Stalin I.V.


[Works]. Vol. 13. Moscow, State Publishing House of

Political Literature, 1951, p. 211.


Stalin I.V.


[Works]. Vol. 10. Moscow, Association of State

Publishing Houses, State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1949, p. 134.

Zemtsov B.N.,

Dr. Sc. (Hist.), Head of the Department of History, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. e-mail: