Философия консервативного либерализма как учение о единстве…
Гуманитарный вестник
# 4·2016 9
The philosophy of conservative liberalism as a doctrine
of the unity of the socio-cultural traditions and creativity
of the individual
© S.N. Kurilov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article states the idea that the traditional understanding of liberalism and conserva-
tism as alternative models of social and political development gave way to their synthe-
sis. The synthetic principle of unity of the individual and society is analyzed. The princi-
ple is the basis of the concept of conservative liberalism as the most equitable socio-
political system. The thesis of realistic ideological position is substantiated. The meaning
of it is the impossibility to create the ideal social and political conditions.
conservative liberalism
socio-cultural traditions, creativity of the individual,
dues, fairness, freedom, law, civil society, social being.
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Kurilov S.N.,
Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: history of Russian phil-
osophical and political thought, religious philosophy, philosophy and sociology of education.