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А.Н. Нестеренко


Гуманитарный вестник

# 3·2016

The time of writing the Life of Alexander Nevskiy

© A.N. Nesterenko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

Historiography speculatively assumes that hagiographic Life of Alexander Nevskiy is dat-

ed by late XIII century, and therefore, is based on the recollections of witnesses and di-

rect participants in the events. The article explains that it was written in the period of

1381-1383 years and is a compilation of the Life of the Pskov Prince Timothy (Dovmont).

The author of the Life, presumably, was the Metropolitan Dionysius of Suzdal.


Life of Alexander Nevskiy, Metropolitan Dionysius of Suzdal, Life of Dovmont

of Pskov, the Battle of Neva, Battle on the Ice, canonization of Saints in the Russian

Orthodox Church.


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