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Космическая деятельность и традиционные категории экономической эффективности



Budzhetniki ne po budzhetu [State Employees Are Not on a Budget]. Topic

information center “Kommersant daily” subdivision

Kommersant Dengi

, no. 6

(1014). Available at:

(accessed October 3, 2015).


Dolan E.J., Lindsey D.E.

Market: Microeconomic Model

. London, Cengage

Learning EMEA, 1991, 538 p. [in Russian: Dolan E.Dzh, Lindsey D.E. Rynok:

mikroekonomicheskaya nodel. St. Petersburg, 1992, pp.140–141, 168.]


Lavrov A.S.

Ekonomicheskaya biblioteka

— Economic


, 2004, no. 3.

Available at:

otrasli-rossii#ixzz3eiKFhFYq (accessed July 3, 2015).


Bendikov M.A., Frolov I.E.

Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom –Management

in Russia and abroad,

2003, no. 6. Available at:

content/40460/html (accessed July 3, 2015).


Ionin A.

Otklonenie ot zadannoy orbity

[The deviation from the target orbit].

Available at:

(accessed July 3,



Miller G.

Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal – Russian Journal of Economics.

Moscow, Konsaltbankir Publ, 1998, pp. 333–372.

Rodionova V. G.,

Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Econom-

ic Science, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Laureate of the Russian Federa-

tion Government Prize (2002). The Author of electronic publications and printing of

teaching aids “Macroeconomics” (2013) and “Microeconomics” (2014 г.), author of a

special course “State Property Management”. Co-author of the textbook “"Economics”

(having been issued from 1990 to the present), as well as the textbook “Microeconomics”

(having been issued from 2004 to the present by Finance Academy under the Government of

the Russian Federation), author of the textbook “Micro- and Macroeconomics” issued by

BMSTU Publ. in 2015, author of about 30 teaching and research works. Field of research

interests -IT innovations and technology as a factor in the dynamic efficiency of the

economy. e-mail:

Knyazeva E. V.,

Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic

Science, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of a special course “Funda-

mentals of the economic policy of the state” and co-author of the textbook “Economics”

(having been issued from 1991 to the present), author of 22 teaching and research works.

Research interests - the impact of the government's economic policy in the field of anti-

cyclical regulation, innovative technologies, monetary relations.
