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К вопросу о формировании коммуникативно-речевой компетенции…


On forming communicative-speech competence

by implementing cognitive-communicative method

of teaching the text formation activity


E.V. Poltavets

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article considers problems of improving the process of teaching speech activity to

students with impaired hearing studying at the technical universities. The prospects of

application of the cognitive-communicative method for teaching students the Russian

language and culture of speech are analyzed. The efficiency of using the modern peda-

gogical technologies is assessed.


pedagogical technologies, cognitive approach, cognitive – communicative

method, text-forming competences, functional literacy.



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Poltavets E.V

., Associate Professor at the Department of the Russian Language, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. Author of the research papers on pedagogical tech-

nologies of teaching Russian and speech culture to students with impaired hearing.
