Специфика применения контроллинга в управлении немецкими компаниями, оперирующими на российском рынке - page 10

С.Г. Фалько, К.А. Власова
Delovoy klimat v Rossii — 2009
[Business climate in Russia’2009]. Available
Veber Yu., Sheffer U.
Vvedenie v controlling
[Introduction to Controlling].
Translated from German. S.G. Falko, ed. Moscow, NP “Ob’edinenie kontrol-
lerov” Publ., 2014, 416 p. [in Russian].
Horvath & Partners.
Kontseptsiya kontrollinga: Upravlencheskiy uchet. Siste-
ma otchetnosti. Budzhetirovanie. (Seria “modeli menedzhmenta vedushchikh
[Controlling concept: Managerial Accounting. Reporting sys-
tem. Budgeting. (Series “Models of Leading Corporations Management”)]. 2
ed., Moscow, Alpina Business Books Publ., 2006, 269 p. [in Russian]. Availa-
ble at:
/ kontrolling-knigi/kontseptsiya-kontrollinga-
Falco S.G.
, Dr. Sci. (Economics), professor, head of “Economics and Manage-
ment at Enterprises” Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Director of the Research and Education Center “Controlling and managerial innova-
tions” in BMSTU. Member of the International Group of Controlling, chief editor of
“Controlling” magazine, the Executive Director of the NP Association of Controllers.
Vlasova K.A.,
Bachelor of Arts in Management, Bachelor of Arts in Finance.
year student of “Economics and Management at Enterprises” Department at Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Trainee at controlling department in JSC “Robert
Bosch”. e-mail:
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