Специфика применения контроллинга в управлении немецкими компаниями, оперирующими на российском рынке - page 9

Специфика применения контроллинга в управлении немецкими компаниями…
A specific character of the controlling concept
implementation into the management systems
of German companies operating at the Russian market
© S.G. Falko, K.A. Vlasova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article presents an analysis of management features and problems of the German com-
panies operating in the unstable conditions of the Russian market. We examined and sys-
tematized the factors which determine attractiveness of the Russian market for German
companies. The concept of controlling realized in international companies is introduced.
Basic tools of strategic and operative controlling which are used in management of Ger-
man companies are specified. The expediency of using modern IT systems for management
process automation and information support of “Controlling” module is substantiated. The
authors proved the relevance and prospects of implementing the concept of controlling into
the management of German companies operating in the Russian market.
German companies, concept of controlling, tools of controlling, strategic con-
trolling, operative controlling.
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