Закономерность и случайность в истории и историографическом контексте - page 10

В.Я. Мауль
Regularity and randomness
in history and historiographical scope
© V.Ya. Maul'
Nizhnevartovsk branch of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Nizhnevartovsk,
628616, Russia
The article considers some issues of personality and its role in modern historiographical
approaches. Today actualization of the problem under study is closely related to the
growth of informative value of historical randomness. The thorough investigation of the
personality's role in history is impossible without an appeal to classical scientific para-
digms, including Marxism.
ords: categories of historical knowledge, historical randomness, historical regu-
larity, scientific character of history, role of the personality in the history, charismatic
leader, modern historiography.
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