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Социальные дисбалансы: сущность, структура, причины возникновения, предпосылки

Гуманитарный вестник

# 8·2017 13


Setov N.R.

Politicheskiy realizm kak teoretiko-metodologicheskiy podkhod v

politicheskoy nauke XX v.: sushchnost, evolyutsiya, osnovnye napravleniya.

Avtoref. Diss. … kand. polit. nauk [Political realism as a theoretical and meth-

odological approach in political science of the twentieth century: the nature,

evolution, main directions. Cand. polit. sc. dis. abstract]. Moscow, 2011, 26 p.


Tsukerman E.

Novye soedineniya. Tsifrovye kosmopolity v kommunikativnuyu


[New connections. Digital cosmopolitans in the communicative era].

Moscow, Ad Marginem Press Publ., 2015, 336 p.


Fedulin A.A., Bagdasaryan V.E.

Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom — Service in

Russia and abroad

, 2011, no. 7, pp. 25–38.


Tomskikh M.S.

Gumanitarnyy vektor. Seriya: Filosofiya, kulturologiya — Hu-

manitarian Vector. Series: Philosophy, culturology

, 2015, no. 2 (42), pp. 167–172.


Gollopeni B.

Sociologija i Prostor

, 2016, no. 54 (3), pp. 295–314.


Chernyavsky A.D.

Naukovedenie — Sociology of Science

, 2014, no. 3 (22), p. 82.


Kvedaraite N., Baksys D., Repeckiene A., Glinskiene R.

Engineering Econo-


, 2015, no. 26 (2), pp. 196–203.


Krugman P.

Kredo liberala

[Credo of the liberal]. Moscow, Evropa Publ., 2009,

366 p.


Zashikhina I.M.

Obschestvo. Sreda. Razvitie — Society. Environment. Develop-


, 2011, no. 3, pp. 59–63.


Harakal’ova L., Lipkova L., Gress M.

Actual Problems of Economics

, 2015,

no. 170 (8), pp. 318–326.


Bazueva E.V.

Ekonomika regiona

Economy of Region

, 2010, no. 2,

pp. 60–71.


Kasaeva T.V., Anufrienko S.V., Rud N.Y., Kiseleva N.N.

Mediterranean Jour-

nal of Social Sciences

, 2015, no. 6, pp. 405–410.

Bagrova E.V.,

Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Economics,

Management and Natural Sciences, Tyumen Industrial University, Noyabrsk branch,

Institute of Oil and Gas. Author of over 20 research publications and two monographs.

Research interests: the processes of social development and their philosophical under-

standings in a global world. e-mail: