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Е.В. Багрова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 8·2017

Social imbalances: the nature, structure,

causes, background

© E.V. Bagrova

Tyumen Industrial University, Noyabrsk branch, Institute of Oil and Gas,

Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous region, 629810, Russia

The article shows that the structural crisis of social imbalances is coincident disagree-

ment between trends and various quantitative and qualitative indicators measuring the

society development, the preponderance of certain groups of people or types of produc-

tive activity, as well as a certain state of society. A combination of internal and external

contradictions of this society does not allow it to develop in a predictable way. The main

reasons for the formation and development of the current structural crisis of social im-

balances are identified: transformation and distortion of information flows; the contra-

diction between the need and the rejection of industrial production; the gap between the

actual utility of things and their estimated value; the priority realization of the values of

capitalist formation representatives, protection of positions through latent or explicit dis-



: imbalance, development, crisis, stability, conditions



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