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С.С. Захарова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2017

Professional activity features of the English teacher

in the process of forming communicative competence

of engineering specialty students at a technical university

© S.S. Zakharova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russi


The article considers the main components of English language teacher professional ac-

tivities at a technical university. A number of significant functions of the foreign language

teacher in the current conditions of the educational process isanalyzed. The rationale for

forming communicative professional competence of engineering students is presented.

Examples of motivational modeling situations of speech activity are given.A classifica-

tion of the functions of an English teacher for assessing his professional activity in the

modern educational process is proposed.


continuous education, the role of a teacher, motivation, modelingspeech ac-

tivity situations, communicative competence, verbal behavior, classification of the teach-

er’s functions



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Zakharova S.S.,

Senior Lecturer, Department of English for Mechanical Engineering

Specialties, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: pedagogy

and psychology of teaching, methods of teaching English in a technical university.
