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Наука и философия о возможности использования объективно-нереальных ситуаций

Гуманитарный вестник

# 3·2017 15

Science and Philosophy on the possibility of using

objectively unrealistic situations

© N.N Gubanov


, N.I. Gubanov


, O.N. Maltseva



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Tyumen State Medical University


Tyumen, 625023, Russia

According to the information approach to the “mind and brain” problem and figurative

and indicative concept of sensory reflection, we show the possibility of creating objec-

tively unrealistic, but subjectively realistic situations. A person cannot distinguish be-

tween these situations by his own perception. We focus on the gnosiological status of the

artifactual experiences and prospects of their use.


sensory reflection, objectively unrealistic situations, artifactual perception,

neurodynamic code, information invariance



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