Алгоритм построения складской логистической системы
Гуманитарный вестник
# 11·2016 11
Development algorithm for a warehouse logistics system
© I.N. Omelchenko, A.E. Suprun
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Managing a contemporary finished goods warehouse has to be adapted to any changes in
the logistics system so as to respond flexibly to demand fluctuations. The study presents a
product stock analysis algorithm structure that helps to optimise a warehouse system of
an industrial enterprise in terms of rational warehouse cargo turnover and warehouse
client base estimation. We have formulated recommendations for rational warehouse
network development, pallet space reservation quota refusal or revision, and warehouse
procurement rhythm maintenance. The arrangements suggested lead to increasing the
benefit of business activities, enhancing competitive edge of the product by decreasing
total logistics expenditure, including storage and transportation expenses, along with the
marketing margin.
logistics system, planning, warehousing system, procurement, customer de-
mand, supply chain.
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