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А.Н. Нехамкин, В.А. Нехамкин


Гуманитарный вестник

# 8·2016

Antiurbanizm in the modern world: manifestations

and consequences

© A.N. Nekhamkin


, V.A. Nekhamkin



Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,

Bryansk, 241050, Russia


Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article presents an ].analysis of antiurbanism as an alternative to urbanization. It is

established that antiurbanizm arises from contradictions of globalization. Its nature is

revealed as a system of views and practices aimed at fixing the negative traits and as-

pects of urbanization, the negation of the urban lifestyle. The internal (generated by ur-

banization itself) and external (due to social factors) antiurbanism forms are shown, be-

ing classified as spontaneous-natural, and socially conscious ones. Such forms of antiur-

banizm as the military and technological are considered in the frame of the latter.


city, megalopolis, urbanization, antiurbanism, antiurbanism forms, internal

and external antiurbanizm, globalization.



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