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С.А. Курбатова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2016

Notion of “space” and concept of “open space”

in associative-verbal network of Russian speakers

© S.A. Kurbatova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article researches associative fields of the words “space” and “open space” to clarify

peculiarities of their meaning and functioning. Material data from the Russian associa-

tive dictionary are used as linguistic. The results of the proposed analysis could be ap-

plied in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in such activities as work

with a dictionary for a new lexical material presentation, work with scientific and fiction

texts for a precedential texts explanation while reading newspaper and periodicals and

internet issues.


associative fields, concept, cultural code.



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Kurbatova S.A.,

Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Assoc. Professor, Department of the Russian Lan-

guage, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than 20 publications

in the field of linguistics and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
