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Проблемное обучение как инновационное направление в преподавании русского языка…


Problem-based learning as an innovative approach

in teaching the Russian language at higher school

© E.A. Yakovleva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The application of technology of problem-based learning as an innovative approach in

teaching the Russian language at higher school is considered. Two forms of students’

cognitive activity, two ways of arranging problem situation activating the cognitive activ-

ity of students (formulation of the problem issues and solving learning-cognitive prob-


are described. Material is considered by the example of studying the most complex

topics in syntax and punctuation. The article is addressed to teachers of the Russian lan-

guage. It can be used for enhancing the efficiency of teaching the subject “The Russian

language and culture of speechˮ for perfecting the work on improvement of students’

speech culture and literacy.


problem solving skills, problem situation, problems and tasks, syntax and




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Poznavatelnye zadachi v obuchenii russkomu yazyku.

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Yakovleva E.A.,

сandidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor at the Department

of the Russian language at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author

of more than 30 scientific papers in the field of methods of teaching Russian.
