И.П. Кавинова
Worldview: Philosophical analysis of the problem
© I.P. Kavinova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The author investigates the problem of depicting constituent elements of worldview with
its historical stages and current state in mind. The problem being pressing, the author
strives to show controversial relation between the notions “worldview” and “reality
phenomenon”. The article presents the modern worldview as “productive” by its creative
potentials “eclecticism”.
worldview, myth, anthropomorphism, cyclical time, “time arrow”, mecha-
nism, synergetics, falsification principles, eclectics, technosphere.
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Kavinova I.P.
Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1983.
Ph.D., assoc. professor of the Philosophy Department at Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University. Author of 35 publications. Academic interests: investigation of prob-
lems of intertextual reality; study of phenomenon of suicide in the context of the current
socio-philosophical problems; in-depth study of pedagogical methods of teaching philos-
ophy at technical higher education institutions. irinapk.pochtamt.ru; e-mail: