Аспекты и направления в преподавании русского языка как иностранного в нефилологическом вузе - page 13

Аспекты и направления в преподавании
русского языка …
Aspects and directions of teaching Russian
as a foreign language in a non-philological university
© E.V. Pinevich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The work examines methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a non-
philological university. The research provides an overview of scientific and methodologi-
cal literature. In order to generalize the accumulated theoretical and practical experi-
ence and use it to optimize the educational process, we analyzed the basic works related
to: 1)general methods of teaching; 2) the study of the text, the typology of texts; 3) teach-
ing to read; 4) the study of scientific oral speech; 5)new computer technologies.
: Russian as a foreign language, non-philological type of university.
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