Technical science: its structural and methodological features
Authors: Koloskova A.V., Lebedev S.A. | Published: 27.03.2017 |
Published in issue: #5(55)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-5-433 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: technical science, structure of technical science, methods of technical science |
Evidence features in mathematics and law
Authors: Gubanov N.N., Cheremnykh L.G., Gubanov N.I. | Published: 27.03.2017 |
Published in issue: #5(55)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-5-432 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: rational culture, evidence, science, mathematics, law |
Laws of criminal behaviour triple determination
Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I., Shorikova E.S. | Published: 20.03.2017 |
Published in issue: #4(54)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-4-428 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: inclinations, abilities, criminal abilities, biosocial selection, aggressiveness, free will |
Knowledge specificity in social and human sciences
Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I., Maltseva O.N. | Published: 20.03.2017 |
Published in issue: #4(54)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-4-427 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: criteria of scientific character, explanation, polydeterminism, explanandum, explantance, understanding, interpretation |
Cyborgization: philosophical aspects of the man and technology symbiosis study
Authors: Malkova T.P. | Published: 16.03.2017 |
Published in issue: #4(54)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-4-426 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: cybernetic revolution, cyborgization, cyborg, artificial intelligence, technical reality, transhumanism, posthuman, technological breakthrough |
Science and Philosophy on the possibility of using objectively unrealistic situations
Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I., Maltseva O.N. | Published: 18.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #3(53)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-3-421 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: sensory reflection, objectively unrealistic situations, artifactual perception, neurodynamic code, information invariance |
The philosophical, religious and social aspects of transhumanism, or overcoming "human, overhuman" in the twenty-first century
Authors: Kavinova I.P. | Published: 13.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #3(53)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-3-420 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: transhumanism, posthuman, Nietzsche F., Fеdorov N., Russian cosmism, Penrose R., synthetic theory of evolution, nanotechnology, cryonics, immortalism |
Jihad of the sword: Traditional and extremist interpretations in contemporary society
Authors: Kuzmenko N.S. | Published: 13.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #2(52)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-2-419 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: jihad of the sword, traditional Islam, jihad, terrorist ideology |
Representology and its epistemological status
Authors: Inozemtsev V.A. | Published: 13.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #2(52)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-2-418 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: representology, problem of knowledge representation, problem of knowledge computer representation, discursive and engineering approach to knowledge, cognitive sciences, computer sciences, artificial intelligence (AI), artificial intelligence epistemological content, epistemology of AI, computer epistemology |
Philosophy of technology: Problems and prospects of development
Authors: Malkova T.P. | Published: 11.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #2(52)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-2-416 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: technology, technological reality, subject of technological creativity, technological activity, technology-centred civilization, philosophy of technology, philosophy of technology matrix |