
The philosophical, religious and social aspects of transhumanism, or overcoming "human, overhuman" in the twenty-first century

Authors: Kavinova I.P. Published: 13.01.2017
Published in issue: #3(53)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-3-420  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: transhumanism, posthuman, Nietzsche F., Fеdorov N., Russian cosmism, Penrose R., synthetic theory of evolution, nanotechnology, cryonics, immortalism

The article discusses the various aspects of the transhumanist ideology, attempts to philosophically understand transhumanism as a phenomenon of social life, and as immortalism worldview. It is focused on the most controversial moments of the interpretation of the human evolution, showing both positive and negative aspects of the idea of "transhuman " and "posthuman ". Assessment of contemporary problems is made using the historical and philosophical materials.

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