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N.N. Gubanov, N.I. Gubanov, A.E. Volkov


"Humanities Bulletin" of BMSTU # 12·2017

The study of risks determination and mental responses

to their occurrence

© N.N. Gubanov


, N.I. Gubanov


, A.E. Volkov



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Tyumen State Medical University


Tyumen, 625023, Russia

The article emphasizes and characterizes the following internal determinants of risk be-

havior: risk appetite, search for strong sensation, life expectancy, setting for rapid ob-

taining success, low self-control, and courage. We show differences of age regarding

appetite for risk. Norms and expectations formed by the family, social groups and culture

type are ascribed to the external determinants of risk behavior. As the mental responses

to the occurrence of risks connected with the scientific and technological progress we

highlight a socio-ethical review of the scientific programs and projects, an emergence of

bioethics, a principle of the informed consent to the investigation, a responsibility imper-

ative, an ecological imperative, and a formation of riskology and globalist’s mentality.


risk appetite, search for strong sensation, life expectancy, setting for rapid

obtaining success, low self-control, socio-ethical review, bioethics, responsibility impera-

tive, ecological imperative, riskology



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