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Социально-философские аспекты критериев оценки исторических событий

Гуманитарный вестник

# 12·2017 9

Socio-philosophical aspects of the historical

events assessment criteria

© S.V. Kushchenko

Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia

The article suggests an author’s version of the economic, political and ideological histor-

ical events assessment criteria. We emphasize that these criteria have to contain public

information about the development of the country in the directions mentioned above. In

the author's opinion, these criteria allow having a bash at the systematic fact-based anal-

ysis of the primary results of the country development in the specific historic period. The

obtained results range of use comprises economic, political and ideological aspects of

the country development.


criterion, assessment, history, process, objectivity, scientificity



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