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Факторный анализ и категориальный метод главных компонент…

Гуманитарный вестник

# 10·2017 15

Factor analysis and categorial principal component analysis:

comparative analysis and practical application

for processing of questionnaire survey results

© Е.Е. Fomina

Tver State Technical University, Tver, 170026, Russia

The questionnaire survey is one of the main tools of studying the state of public opinion

in the work of the sociologist. The primary result of the survey is usually a database that

requires further in-depth analysis and search for relationships among variables being

studied. To solve this problem a factor analysis and categorial principal component

analysis can be applied. It allows making obtained results meaningful. Despite the fact

that using these methods one problem is solved, they include different algorithms for de-

termining integral characteristics, so the problem of selecting the appropriate method is

relevant. The article compares factor analysis and categorial principal component analy-

sis both from a theoretical position and from the point of view of practical application.

An example of processing of questionnaire survey results is considered, and methodolog-

ical recommendations are offered.


factor analysis, CatPCA algorithm, principal component analysis, question-

naire survey



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