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Репрезентология и ее эпистемологический статус

Гуманитарный вестник

# 2·2017 15

Representology and its epistemological status

© V.A. Inozemtsev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article considers representology as a conceptual formalization of the problem of

knowledge representation in modern science. The subject, main sections and problems of

the concepts of philosophical, cognitive and computer representology proposed by the au-

thor are defined, as well as the concepts of AI epistemology and computer epistemology.


representology, problem of knowledge representation, problem of knowledge

computer representation, discursive and engineering approach to knowledge, cognitive

sciences, computer sciences, artificial intelligence (AI), artificial intelligence epistemo-

logical content, epistemology of AI, computer epistemology



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