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Россия XVII–XVIII вв.: на пути к великой державе

Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2016 19


Yashkova T.A.

Novaya nauka: novoe sostoyanie i puti razvitiya.

Mezhdunarodnoe nauchnoe periodicheskoe izdanie po itogam Mezhdunarodnoy

nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (9 marta 2016 g., g. Orenburg) —


Science: Modern State and Ways of Development. International Scientific

Periodical Issue Based on the Results of the International Scientific and

Practical Conference (March 9, 2016, Orenburg),

2016, vol. 2, pp. 50–52.


Toynbee A.J.

Postizhenie istorii

[Study of History]. Moscow, Progress Publ.,

1991, 736 p. [in Russ.].


Smirnova M.I. Bykova N.P «Zolotoy vek» rossiyskogo dvoryanstva. Rossiyskyja

imperiya XVIII v. posle Petra I.

V kn.: Otechestvennaya istoriya X — nachala XXI.

Kurs lektsiy

[The “Golden Age” of Russian nobility. The Russian empire in

XVIII century after Peter I. In: Russian history in IX — early XXI centuries.

A lection course]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2007, pp. 218–227.

Zemtsov B.N.

, Dr. Sci. (History), Head of the Department of History, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. Research interests: legal history, historical psychology,

methodology of historical knowledge, chronology.

Krylov A.O.

, Cand. Sci. (History), Assoc. Professor, Department of History, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: Russian history in XVII — early

XVIII centuries, religious and cultural development of Russia in the early Modern Period.


Smirnova M.I.

, Dr. Sci. (History), Head of the Department of History and Culturology,

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”. Research interests:

historiography of the Russian history. e-mail: