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Б.Н. Земцов, А.О. Крылов, М.И. Смирнова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 7·2016

Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries:

on the way to becoming superpower

© B.N. Zemtsov


, A.O. Krylov


, M.I. Smirnova



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”,

Moscow, 111250, Russia

The article overviews the most interesting reports and speeches presented at the students’

scientific conference “Russia in the XVII — early XVIII centuries: on the way to becom-

ing superpower”. The discussed issues are theoretical considerations on such concepts

as superpower, modernization, westernization, the issues of socio-economic and political

development, Russia’s foreign policy and its results, outstanding personalities of that

period and their legacy.



Russian history, XVII–XVIII centuries, modernization, westerni-




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