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О.Ю. Отрокова


Boris Yeltsin VS Ruslan Khasbulatov.

From unity to confrontation:

Historiographic review



. Otrokova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article gives a general review of the main directions in domestic historiography con-

cerning the reasons of formation and evolution of the political union between the top

Russian government figures — B. Yeltsin and R. Khasbulatov in the early 90s of the

XX century. The research explored special features of forming the highest governmental

authorities in the Russian Federation and examined further development prospects in

Russia in the XXI century.


: duumvirate, the President of Russia, B. N. Yeltsin, Chairman of the Supreme

Council of the Russian Federation, R. I. Khasbulatov, political union.



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