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Методические аспекты обучения научному стилю речи в неязыковом языке
Methodological aspects of teaching scientific style of speech
at а non-linguistic institution of higher education
© T.P. Skorikova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The methodological aspects of teaching scientific style as one of the most important parts
of the course
Russian Language and Culture of Speech
at а non-linguistic institution
of higher education are considered. The specific features and functions of the scientific
style, as well as the communication situation, actualizing the use of language for specific
purposes are analyzed. The characteristic of a system-level approach to learning the
Russian language and culture of speech is given.
scientific style, the Russian language, culture of speech, function of scientific
style, system-level approach.
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Language and Culture of Professional Communication of Non-Philologists:
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[Fundamentals of Scientific
Speech Culture]. Moscow, MIIT Publ., 2000, 61 p.
Laptevа O.A., Skorikova T.P., Kraevskaya N.M., Akishina T.E., Geychenko
Obuchenie ustnoi nauchnoi rechi: teoriya i praktika
[Teaching Scientific
Oral Speech: Theory and Practice]. Moscow, Bilingva Publ., 2000, 80 p.
Lesokhina T.B., Belukhina S.N., Zhilina O.A., Konstantinova O.V.,
Romanova N.N., Skorikova T.P.
Proekt programmy distsipliny “Russkii yazyk
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[A Draft of the Program of the Discipline
Russian Language
and Culture of Speech
for Technical Institutions of Higher Education].
Moscow, Bilingua Publ., 1999, 20 p.
Skorikova T.P.
Vestnic MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Seria Estestvennye
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Russian Oral Scientific Speech].
Tom 1: Obschie svoystva i foneticheskie
[Vol. 1: General Properties and Phonetic Features]. Krasnoyarsk,
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Tom 3: Tekstovye, leksicheskie i slovoobrazovatelnye osobennosti
[Vol. 3: Text, Vocabulary and Word-Formation Characteristics]. Moscow,
1995, 272 p.;
Tom 4: Teksty
[Vol. 4: Texts]. Moscow, 1999, 376 p.
Skorikova T.P.
, Dr. Sci. (Philology), professor at the Department of the Russian language
at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Professor at the Department of Linguis-
tics and Intercultural Communication at MESI. The author of more than 130 scientific
papers in the field of Russian studies and methods of teaching Russian language. e-mail: