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И.В. Долгова, Е.В. Шкарпетина, Е.Н. Лобачева


Гуманитарный вестник

# 5·2017


Dolgova I.V., Martynov D.S.

Gumanitarnyy vestnik — Humanitarian Bulletin


2016, no. 3. Available at:

(accessed February 12, 2017).


Dolgova I.V., Kavtarev A.R., Ryabykh G.R.

Gumanitarnyy vestnik — Humanitarian


2016, no. 5. Available at:

367 (accessed February 12, 2017).


Kuznetsova T.I., Ganina G.E., Klementyeva S.V.

Gumanitarnyy vestnik —

Humanitarian Bulletin

, 2017, no. 1. Available at:

8477-2017-1-408 (accessed February 12, 2017).


Devlet Geldy G.K., Myasnikova N.V.

Gumanitarnyy vestnik — Humanitarian


, 2014, no. 2. Available at:

165.html (accessed February 12, 2017).

Dolgova I.V.

graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economic Faculty.

Cand. Sc. (Economy), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, author of teaching aids "Basics of Entre-

preneurship", "Introduction to business: a modern course in economic theory", curricula

in the disciplines of "Economics" and "Business ethics and business culture". Co-author

of several textbooks on economics for students of engineering faculties, bachelors and

specialists. Research interests: small business and features of its development in Russia,

innovative aspects of training engineering and technical specialists, import substitution in

leading industries. e-mail:

Shkarpetina E.V.

graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economic

Faculty. Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance, Siberian Federal University, Krasno-

yarsk, author of special courses: the stock market, the history of the securities market,

international securities markets, securities transactions, the organization of the stock mar-

ket. Research interests: financial markets. e-mail:

Lobacheva E.N.,

Dr. Sc. (Economy), Professor, Head of the Department of Economics

and Business, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, author and supervisor of over

10 publications of economic textbooks for students of engineering faculties, bachelors

and specialists, the supervisor of research in the subject area of IT- technologies, innova-

tion and education. Research interests: innovation and application of scientific and tech-

nological achievements in the Russian economy. e-mail: